Sonntag, 22. April 2012

There’s no competitive advantage today in knowing

There’s no competitive advantage today in knowing more than the person next to you. The world doesn’t care. The world cares about what you can do with what you know – do you have the skill, do you have the will.

Samstag, 19. November 2011

Lojong Slogans

POINT ONE: The preliminaries, which are the basis for dharma practice
Slogan 1. First, train in the preliminaries; The four reminders. [7]
1. Maintain an awareness of the preciousness of human life.
2. Be aware of the reality that life ends; death comes for everyone; Impermanence.
3. Recall that whatever you do, whether virtuous or not, has a result; Karma.
4. Contemplate that as long as you are too focused on self-importance and too caught up in thinking about how you are good or bad, you will suffer. Obsessing about getting what you want and avoiding what you don't want does not result in happiness; Ego.

POINT TWO: The main practice, which is training in bodhicitta.
Absolute Bodhicitta
Slogan 2. Regard all dharmas as dreams.
Slogan 3. Examine the nature of unborn awareness.
Slogan 4. Self-liberate even the antidote.
Slogan 5. Rest in the nature of alaya, the essence.
Slogan 6. In postmeditation, be a child of illusion.
Relative Bodhicitta
Slogan 7. Sending and taking should be practiced alternately. These two should ride the breath.
Slogan 8. Three objects, three poisons, three roots of virtue.
Slogan 9. In all activities, train with slogans.
Slogan 10. Begin the sequence of sending and taking with yourself.

POINT THREE: Transformation of Bad Circumstances into the Way of Enlightenment
Slogan 11. When the world is filled with evil, transform all mishaps into the path of bodhi.
Slogan 12. Drive all blames into one.
Slogan 13. Be grateful to everyone.
Slogan 14. Seeing confusion as the four kayas is unsurpassable shunyata protection.
Slogan 15. Four practices are the best of methods.
Slogan 16. Whatever you meet unexpectedly, join with meditation.

POINT FOUR: Showing the Utilization of Practice in One's Whole Life
Slogan 17. Practice the five strengths, the condensed heart instructions.
Slogan 18. The mahayana instruction for ejection of consciousness at death is the five strengths: how you conduct yourself is important.

POINT FIVE: Evaluation of Mind Training
Slogan 19. All dharma agrees at one point.
Slogan 20. Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one.
Slogan 21. Always maintain only a joyful mind.
Slogan 22. If you can practice even when distracted, you are well trained.
POINT SIX: Disciplines of Mind Training
Slogan 23. Always abide by the three basic principles.
Slogan 24. Change your attitude, but remain neutral.
Slogan 25. Don't talk about injured limbs.
Slogan 26. Don't ponder others.
Slogan 27. Work with the greatest defilements first.
Slogan 28. Abandon any hope of fruition.
Slogan 29. Abandon poisonous food.
Slogan 30. Don't be so predictable.
Slogan 31. Don't malign others.
Slogan 32. Don't wait in ambush.
Slogan 33. Don't bring things to a painful point.
Slogan 34. Don't transfer the ox's load to the cow.
Slogan 35. Don't try to be the fastest.
Slogan 36. Don't act with a twist.
Slogan 37. Don't make gods into demons.
Slogan 38. Don't seek others' pain as the limbs of your own happiness.

POINT SEVEN: Guidelines of Mind Training
Slogan 39. All activities should be done with one intention.
Slogan 40. Correct all wrongs with one intention.
Slogan 41. Two activities: one at the beginning, one at the end.
Slogan 42. Whichever of the two occurs, be patient.
Slogan 43. Observe these two, even at the risk of your life.
Slogan 44. Train in the three difficulties.
Slogan 45. Take on the three principal causes.
Slogan 46. Pay heed that the three never wane.
Slogan 47. Keep the three inseparable.
Slogan 48. Train without bias in all areas. It is crucial always to do this pervasively and wholeheartedly.
Slogan 49. Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment.
Slogan 50. Don't be swayed by external circumstances.
Slogan 51. This time, practice the main points.
Slogan 52. Don't misinterpret.
Slogan 53. Don't vacillate.
Slogan 54. Train wholeheartedly.
Slogan 55. Liberate yourself by examining and analyzing.
Slogan 56. Don't wallow in self-pity.
Slogan 57. Don't be jealous.
Slogan 58. Don't be frivolous.
Slogan 59. Don't expect applause.

My favorite website by now!

Freitag, 18. November 2011

Cowen Tyler - the econo-theorist who embrasses mass culture


Whatever Happened to Discipline and Hard Work?

Timothy A. Clary/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The Occupy Wall Street protest at Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan has raised questions about wealth and inequality in the United States. But American culture has long approved of wealth produced through a strong work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Nonetheless, as someone from a conservative and libertarian background, I find that I am hearing too much talk about riches and not enough about values. It’s worth recalling why so many Americans have respected the wealthy in the first place.
The United States has always had a culture with a high regard for those able to rise from poverty to riches. It has had a strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit and has attracted ambitious immigrants, many of whom were drawn here by the possibility of acquiring wealth. Furthermore, the best approach for fighting poverty is often preciselynot to make fighting poverty the highest priority. Instead, it’s better to stress achievement and the pursuit of excellence, like a hero from an Ayn Rand novel. These are still at least the ideals of many conservatives and libertarians.
The egalitarian ideals of the left, which were manifest in a wide variety of 20th-century movements, have been wonderful for driving social and civil rights advances, and in these areas liberals have often made much greater contributions than conservatives have. Still, the left-wing vision does not sufficiently appreciate the power — both as reality and useful mythology — of the meritocratic, virtuous production of wealth through business. Rather, academics on the left, like the Columbia University economists Joseph E. Stiglitz and Jeffrey D. Sachs among many others, seem more comfortable focusing on the very real offenses of plutocrats and selfish elites.
In short, the traditional, pro-wealth cultural vision has a great appeal for me. But I must admit that it is showing some wear and tear, which may partly be why the criticisms made by the demonstrators at Zuccotti Park have so much resonance.
The first problem is that higher status for the wealthy can easily lead to crony capitalism. In public discourse social status judgments are often crude. Critical differences are lost, like the distinction between earning money through production for consumers, as Apple has done, and earning money through the manipulation of government, which heavily subsidized agribusinesses have done. The relevant question, in my view, is not about how much you have earned but about how you have earned it. To further confuse matters, many right-wing Republican politicians supported corporate bailouts and corporate welfare far beyond what was necessary to stabilize the economy, in doing so further muddying the difference between productive and predatory capitalism.
The second problem is that many conservatives have become so attached to their cultural vision that they have ceded sound, technocratic reasoning to the left and center. For instance there is a common willingness among conservatives to defend the Bush tax cuts, even though the evidence does not show much of an economic payoff.
Conservatives’ own culture, and the sheer desire to validate wealth, discipline and reward through law and the tax code, may have convinced them that the tax cuts have been beneficial. Measuring the actual effects of a tax cut isn’t always their main concern, even if they sometimes cite such numbers for rhetorical purposes. They feel in their bones that antagonism toward the rich is a dead end and so don’t favor highly progressive taxes.
That rhetorical line appeals to tax-weary voters, and seems part of a core conservative vision, but it is treading on dangerous ground because it moves away from testable theory: those tax cuts have already been in place for many years, yet it remains to be seen when or if they will spur the economy.
The third problem is that the pro-wealth cultural vision may be overly optimistic about human willingness to embrace the idea of responsibility.
Conservatives often believe that much of the poverty in the United States is an issue of insufficient discipline and conscientiousness. In this view, not all children grow up inculcated with a strong enough devotion to education and career. Yet how can such a culture of discipline be spread? At least as far back as John Bright, a classical liberal in Victorian England, it has been argued that society should grant respect to business creators and to stern parents who instill discipline. And today, conservatives often say that supportive economic policy, including lighter taxation and greater freedom from regulation, will support this vision.
BUT are such moves, when carried out, actually shifting popular culture in a properly disciplined and conscientious direction? Not really. In fact, in the United States, the red states, where conservatives are more powerful, tend to have higher divorce rates and weaker educational systems than do blue states. Many Americans have not been personally persuaded by all the talk about pro-wealth and pro-discipline norms, least of all in the geographic strongholds of conservatism.
The counterintuitive tragedy is this: modern conservative thought is relying increasingly on social engineering through economic policy, by hoping that a weaker social welfare state will somehow promote individual responsibility. Maybe it won’t.
For one thing, today’s elites are so wedded to permissive values — in part for their own pleasure and convenience — that a new conservative cultural revolution may have little chance of succeeding. Lax child-rearing and relatively easy divorce may be preferred by some high earners, but would conservatives wish them on society at large, including the poor and new immigrants? Probably not, but that’s often what we are getting.
In the future, complaints about income inequality are likely to grow and conservatives and libertarians won’t have all the answers. Nonetheless, higher income inequality will increase the appeal of traditional mores — of discipline and hard work — because they bolster one’s chances of advancing economically. That means more people and especially more parents will yearn for a tough, pro-discipline and pro-wealth cultural revolution. And so they should.
It remains to be seen how many of us are up to its demands.
Tyler Cowen is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011

Quote of the Day

"You will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life."
James G. Bilkey

Dienstag, 31. Mai 2011

5 Things to Do Every Day for Success

This blog is written by a member of our expert blogging community and expresses that expert's views alone.

"You get up at what time?" I hear that a lot along with "you are so lucky." So, I'm going to help out here and let you in on the secrets of my success. Well, not all of them but enough to show you the foundation I build on every day.

Dayna Steele Alarm1. Wake up early. For the next week, get up a half an hour earlier that you normally do--and get going. If you get a few more things done, then get up even earlier the next week. Early in the morning is a great time to get work done because most of your associates have not started emailing, tweeting, IMing or posting yet.

2. Read the headlines and watch the news. Not only should you know what is going on in the world, you will also be the first to recognize opportunities (if you followed #1) for you and your business--long before the competition has even had their first cup of coffee.

3. Send something to one person who can hire you or buy your product--something you promised to follow-up with, a quick email with a link to something relevant or a "hey just checking in to see how thing are going" email.

4. Touch base with an old friend or associate you haven't talked to in ages. Ask how they are, what are they working on and ask or suggest how you might help. You'll make their day.

5. Write a handwritten note to someone. Seriously. It is a lost art and makes quite an impression. There is always someone you can send a thank you note to--or you aren't doing things correctly.

A simple yet highly effective list. Try all five every weekday for a month. Then, tell me I'm right. If I'm wrong, I'll buy you a cup of coffee. When you finally wake up ...